UP coming 2025 Tournaments:
Tuesday March 25th, Northbrook, IL ; Registrations is OPEN: ACC25-03-flyer
# Player LAST First Name USCFID-ExpDate-Rate Status NovUnderline Beg Bold Player LAST First Name USCFID-ExpDate-Rate Status
- BONDAR, Leonid 12789353-1225-2011 Paid 26. t7 CORDERO, Josiah 32344695-0326-unr Paid
- KHANDELWAL Adarsh 30474808-1225-1129 Paid 27. t7 NAGASAWA, Katelyn 32192347-1225-0171 Paid
- CLARK, Jackson 30807064-1125-0799 Paid 28. BORIS, Grayson 32124488-1125-0563 Paid
- t1 SHELEG, Max USCF pending Paid 29. t8 CIUPE Lucas 32059878-0925-0556 Paid
- t1 SHELEG, Adriana USCF pending Paid 30. t8 CIUPE Marc 32334759-0226-unr Paid
- KAPMAR, Vincent USCF Pending Paid/trsf 31. LOMAHAN, Xakery 31035533-0227-1340 Paid
- NELSEN, Wesley 32105956-1025-0373 Paid/trnf 32. PARANJPE, Atharva 31857702-0825-0708 Paid
- VIKASH, Daarshik 32276732-0126-0224 Paid/trnf 33. KAIDA, Herman 32191734-0126-0530 Paid
- t7 MADARA, Clark 32165161-1126-0537 Paid 34. NOSKOV, Michael 32276716-0126-0105 Paid
- t2 MOHANARANGA, Ajeesh Srithik 32392127-0226-unr Paid 35. POLEVOY, Liam 32053214-0925-0230 Paid
- t2 MANIVASAGAM, Aran 32330361-0227-unr Paid 36. McCARTHY, Aiden 32276750-0126-0646 Pmnt Pending
- t2 MANIVASAGAM, Chenniventhan 32330371-0227-unr Paid 37. SCHULTZ. PJ 31860476-0425-0170 Pmnt Pending
- t3 HARISH JADAV, Disha 32301480-0226-0105 Paid 38. STEPHEN, Nathan 30467789-0225-0962 Paid
- t3 HARISH JADAV, Diyaa 32333131-0226- unr Paid 39. EGORIN, Katherine 32276787-0126-0752 Paid
- t4 ISHENOV, Amal 32281921-0226-0436 Paid 40. JACOBS, Ronan 31578235-0127-0468 Pmnt Pending
- t4 ISHENOV, Dzhamil 32281963-0226-0498 Paid 41.
- RITTER, Phillip 30678012-0823-0810 Paid 42.
- FISHMAN, Daniel 15755241-0125-1171 Paid 43.
- PRICE, Alexander 32336312-0226-unr Pmnt Pending 44.
- PATINO, Noah USCF Pending Paid 45.
- t5 SINGH, Reyan 32333774-0105 Pmnt Pending 46.
- t5 SINGH, Nuvid 32301632-0226-0900 Pmnt Pending 47.
- t6 ISAEV, Kaan 32129585-1125-0224 Paid 48.
- t6 ISAEV, Alan 32129593-1125-0382 Paid 49.
- WEINSTEIN, Ron USCF Pending Pmnt Pending 50.
Past 2025 Tournaments:
February 25th: Photos; USCFwebsite; for Prizes and Trophies: OPEN; Advanced; Beginners; (Highlighted Players had chosen to receive Personalize Engraved Trophies!);ACC25-02-Teams-St . Prices for best lost game on Board#1 against our house Master and Price for the best 10 moves in Advance and Beginner division are TBA.
January 28th: Photos; USCFwebsite; for Prizes and Trophies; ACC25-01-OPEN: ACC25-01-Beg; ACC25-01-Teams; in OPEN prize for the best game on Board#1 goes to Graden NEGA ; in Beginners: best 10-moves prize does to Rowan NYE – he did maintain 88% accuracy in 10 moves. Available games transcripts are listed here: ACC25-01-B1.
Past 2024 Tournaments:
October 22nd GRAND FINALE : Photos; USCFwebsite; for Prizes and Trophies: ACC24-10-OPEN; ACC24-10-Beg; ACC24-10-Teams; Michael AIZENBERG wins the prize for the best game ( among those who lost to our house Master)on board#1: ACC24-10-B1
Sept 24th: Photos; USCFwebsite; for Prizes and Trophies:ACC24-09-OPEN; ACC24-09-Beg; ACC24-09-Teams Ryerson SAGER & Declan McDONOUGH taking the 1st place as a team, and Xakery LOMAHAN winning the prize for best game against the house master ACC24-10-B1
May 21st: Photos; USCFwebsite; for Prizes and Trophies: ACC24-05-OPEN; ACC24-05-Beg; ACC24-05-Teams. The best Game on Board#1 and the prize goes to Kyler SHAMOUN, whos “central pawns lost” ratio is 51 to Leonid’s 35 = 16 diff, Runner-up was Deborah BOWMAN 44 to 25 = 19. All action on Board #1 could be found here (that include a $100 Armageddon between 2 players with the perfect 4 out 4 score) : ACC24-05-B1
April 23rd: Photos; USCFwebsite; for Prizes and Trophies: ACC24-04-OPEN; ACC24-04-Beg; ACC24-04-TeamStand; The best Game on Board#1 and the prize goes to Sophia, DAVAASUREN (Amazing tie with Robert KABAKOV – both had 19 central pawn diff vs Leonid, with exactly 87% accuracy-2nd tie break, but the 3rd tie-break was clear in Sophia’s favor: as a result of her loss she suffers worth tournament placement than Robert and this prize is a compensation for playing House Master. All 4 games are here: ACC24-04-B1
March 26th: Photos; USCFwebsite; for Prizes and Trophies: ACC24-03-OPEN; ACC24-03-Beg; ACC24-03-Teams. The best Game on Board#1 and the prize (as a compensation for playing a “House Master”) go Eddy LI who lost on time in a better position ( Leon RAPOPORT is not eligible , since he won , on time, as well, in the last round. All 4 games are here: ACC24-03-B1
February 27th: Photos; USCFwebsite; for Prizes and Trophies: ACC24-02-OPEN; ACC24-02-Beginners; ACC24-02-FamStand.docx; The best Game on Board#1 and the prize goes to Yasheen JADIDI for the ONLY Draw on Board#1. R3 and R4 presented viewers with very interesting combinations, Robert had a draw vs Leonid and lost with 1 blunder: Yasheen had a gift from Leonid and had +7.0 just to return a blunder and make a draw: ACC24-02-B1
January 23rd: Photos; USCFwebsite; for Prizes and Trophies: ACC24-01-OPEN-Fin; ACC24-01-Beg-Fin; ACC24-01-FamStand; The best Game(s) on Board#1 prize goes to Robert KABAKOV he beat #4 and #5, in last 2 rounds. Round 3 game was most interesting , where Leon Rapoport had a good chance to claim a prize himself, but after a few inaccuracies his attack had failed: ACC24-01-b1
Past 2023 Tournaments:
December 12th: Photos; USCFwebsite; for Prizes and Trophies:ACC23-12-OPEN; ACC23-12-Beg; ACC23-12-FamStand The best game on Board#1 is obvious without computer analysis goes to undefeated Peyton SATTLER, who actually won against our house master Leonid, and increase his rating by about 200 points in a process. Here is Board#1 action:ACC23-12
October 24th: Photos; USCFwebsite , for Prizes and Trophies: ACC23-10-OPEN, ACC23-10-Beg; ACC23-10-FamStand; The best game on Board#1 it is still TBA . We looked only at first 2 rounds, and there are FACINATED. The STALE mate in BOTH in a completely winning position , but see for your yourself. Check the LiChess study for 2 rounds ACC23-10.
September 26th: Photos, USCFwebsite, for Prizes and Trophies: ACC23-09-Open; ACC23-09-Beg; ACC23-09-FamStand ; The magnetic Chess set for best game on Board #1 against our “House Chess Master” Leonid BONDAR is decided between players who did get a prize (score 2 points or less) and it was only ONE (out of 4) player to qualify Sai GUPTA. Check the LiChess study for ALL 4 rounds ACC23-09.
July 25th: Photos, USCFwebsite; Final standing ACC23-07O; ACC23-07B for Prizes and Trophies: ACC23-07-OPEN-Prize-list, ACC23-07-Beg-Prize-list, ACC23-07-FamStand The magnetic Chess Set for best game on Board #1 against our “House Chess Master” Leonid BONDAR goes to Alex PANICH ( Round 2) who lost to Leonid with the smallest “central pawn loss” differential 27-14 =13 That was the “cleanest game from both sides: White 89% accuracy, Black 93% !! Check the LiChess.org study for ALL 4 rounds : ACC23-07
May 23rd: Photo Gallery; USCFwebsite; Final standing for Prizes and Trophies: ACC23-05-OPEN ACC23-05-Beg ACC23-05-FamStand The prize for the best game on Board #1 for scholastic player, who had not receive a trophy because he lost to our “House Chess Master” Leonid BONDAR. Magnetic chess set goes to William IORDANOV – Check the Lichess study for ALL 4 rounds ACC23-05.
April 25th: USCFWebsite. Final standing for Prizes and Trophies: ACC23-04-OPEN,ACC23-04-Beg,ACC23-04-FamStand. The prize ( the magnetic Chess Set) for best game on Board #1 against our “House Chess Master” Leonid BONDAR goes to Sanjay ADVANI , who WON his game by checkmate in 2 Moves, after opponent’s blunder – check the LiChess study for ALL 4 Rounds of game’s analysis ACC23-04.
March 28th: Photo Gallery, USCFWebsite, Final standing for prizes and Trophies: OPEN, Beginners, FamilyTeams. The prize ( the magnetic Chess Set) for best game on Board #1 against our “House Chess Master” Leonid BONDAR goes to Artemii KHANBUTAEV – check the LiChess study for game’s analysis ACC23-03.
Feb 28th: Photo Gallery, USCFWebsite. Final standing for prizes and trophies: OPEN, Beginners, FamilyTeams The prize ( the magnetic Chess Set) for best game on Board #1 against our “House Chess Master” Leonid BONDAR goes to Harrison COHEN, who win over Artemii KHANBUTAEV by the lowest margin: 1 point/central pawn loss. And the best 12 moves price go to Anthony KOZLOV playing Ariel KORNEYEV. Check the LiChess study: ACC23-02
Jan 24th: USCFWebsite Final standing for prizes and trophies: OPEN, Beginners; FamilyTEAM The prize ( the magnetic Chess Set) for best game on Board #1 against our “House Chess Master” Leonid BONDAR goes to R3 player Temurbek SALOMOV. Leonid won first 3 rounds against scholastic opponents, and than make a draw in the Final 4th against Yakov STRELCHIN. If that is sound familiar , it is because this scenario had repeated from the last ACC tourney on Dec.13th. However, while all scholastic opponents have again a negative differential of central pawn loss, according to Stockfish14 computer , but Yakov had improved this game from the last month and was able to offer a draw from the position of strength. (R1=-23;R2:-29; R3:-16;R4=+6) As always you can find ALL four round played on the Board#1 in this LiChess study ACC23-01.
Past 2022 Tournaments:
Dec.13th, ACC22-10 – GRAND FINALLY standing: USCFSite, Prize list sorted by Tie-breaks: ACC22-10-OPEN ACC22-10-Beg Photo Gallery
The 1st board action: The prize ( the magnetic Chess Set) for best game on Board #1 against our “House Chess Master” Leonid BONDAR goes to Round 3 player Ragavendhar SUNILKUMAR,(best game by the player, who did not won the trophy or money prize). Leonid won first 3 rounds (against scholastic opponents, under 14) and make a draw in the Final 4th against Yakov STRELCHIN. All his opponents have a negative differential of central pawn loss, according to Stockfish14 computer (R1=-23;R2:-39; R3:-17;R4=-1) The last game was a draw in 15 moves, but it may be the most educational. It was a most played Roy-Lopez opening, with the Central fork and Black received a slightly worst position, with the last move Leonid could of secure his victory, but 15.b3? was a mistake, realizing that, Leonid had offered a DRAW. What was correct move and why, and what should be Black response to take advantage of 15.b3 … and to equalize position? See the LiChess study here LiChessACC22-10
Oct.25th, ACC22-09Final Standing: USCFsitePrize list sorted by Tie-breaks: OPEN: ACC22-09O Beginners: ACC-09b-res
The prize ( the magnetic Chess Set) for best game on Board #1 against our “House Chess Master” Leonid BONDAR goes to Round 1 player: Sam KUSHRENOV. Again, we used the best difference in “center pawn loss” between Leonid and a contestant in each game. The lower number is better. Only Scholastic players 13 and younger were in contest for the prize and TWO of them TIED, However Sam had better tie-break. Check ALL the games on Board #1 in LiChess Study ACC22-09
Sept.20th, ACC22-08 Final Standing: USCFsite Prize list sorted by Tie Breaks: ACC22-08
The prize ( the best 10″ magnetic Chess Set) for best game on Board #1 against our “House Chess Master” Leonid BONDAR goes to Round 3 player: Sri GOPAL Again, we used the best difference in “center pawn loss” between Leonid and a contestant in each game. The lower number is better . Check the LiChess-ACC-08
The results are:
R1: Leonid 50 – Jeremiah 77 difference 27
R2: Caleb 71 – Leonid 42 difference 29
R3: Leonid 64 – Sri 73 difference 9 – the Winner
R4: Philip 37 – Leonid 20 difference 17
Aug.9th, ACC22-07 Final Standing: USCFsite. Prize list Sorted by Tie breaks: ACC22-07
The prize ( Book for chess notation) for best game on Board #1 against our “House Chess Master” Leonid BONDAR goes to Round 4 player: Howard DAI. It very difficult to determine the best game, and if you would ask human players you may get 4 different answers, so we ask a computer analysis and count the difference in “center pawn loss” between Leonid and a contestant in each game. The lower number is better . Check the LiChess study
The Results are:
R1: Yosef 43 – Leonid 17 difference 26
R2: Leonid 46- Colin 69 difference 23
R3: Sergiy 52 – Leonid 11 difference 41
R4: Leonid 71 – Howard 80 difference 9 – the Winner
Benchmark game between Fabiano CARUANA 47– Magnus CARSLEN 33 in 2020, the difference 14 – We could not help to point out, that stat here are showing that ALL games on Board ONE were very close – difference is close to the margins of error between #1 in the word Margnus CARLSEN and #2 Fabiano CARUANO. ( the game was chosen for it educational ending, where Magnus (Black) use a Zugzwang maneuver to avoid a Stalemate)
May 24th, ACC22-06 Final Standing: USCFsite Prize list Sorted by Coeff: ACC22-06-results
April 19th, ACC22-05 Final Standing: USCFsite; Sorted by-coeffACC22-05-Prize-list;
The prize for Best 12 moves was won by Vihaan KODIYATH ACC22-05-r3-Simon-Vihaan
First board GAMES: R1; R2; R3; R4
March 15th ACC22-04 Photos Final Standings: USCFsite sorted within SCORE group by Rating
Feb.24th ACC22-03 Final Standing: USCFsite
Feb.3rd ACC22-02 Final Standings: USCFsite Photo Gallery
PAST 2021 Tournaments:
Susan KANTOR Memorial
Oct. 23rd 2021; Wheeling IL; Results on USCFsite Photo gallery
Nov.6th 2021 ACC21-02 Final Standing : USCFsite Photo gallery
Nov.20th 2021 ACC21-03 Final Standing : USCFsite
Dec. 9th 2021 ACC21-04; Wheeling IL Final standing: ACC21-04-Results. Photo gallery